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Sunday Service @10AM

About Us

If you are looking for a Bible-based, Christ-centered, and gospel-driven church, then join us! Together, we can dig deep roots into God's Word, grow in Christ, and bear fruit for His Kingdom.

Our weekly Sunday worship service is 10:00 AM. Nursery and children's ministry options available at our check-in table.

1.19.25 Sermon Slides.png

Last Sunday's Message

"Longing For The New Heavens and the New Earth"

2 Peter 3:8-13

Sunday, 1/19/25

Guest Speaker: Greg Thomas

The Great Thanksgiving Banquet

We partner with Redwood Gospel Mission each year to offer a warm Thanksgiving meal, haircuts, community resources, coat distribution and a Chapel Service with the Gospel Message.  The banquet is held at the Fairgrounds in Santa Rosa.  

Click here for more information or to sign up and help with this vital community outreach event.

Wednesday, Nov. 27
12PM - 7PM
Santa Rosa Fairgrounds


If you have any questions about our events, please email us at:

Upcoming Events
Men's Breakfast

This is the last of our monthly breakfasts for 2024.  We'll share a hearty meal, encouraging fellowship and connect with men in our church family. Come as you are. It's a casual, welcoming morning.

Saturday, Nov. 16
Room 128 in Education Bldg.


Operation Christmas Child

Our annual hands-on way to bless children in need across the world.  Fill a shoebox with gifts and turn into the Church Office before November 24.

Email office@windsorchristianchurch or click here for more information.

Nov. 17-14

Church Office

Redwood Gospel Mission Coat Drive

Winter is coming! Do you have gently used coats or warm vests that can be passed on?  Please bring to the Church Office before November 20 and we will distribute at The Great Thanksgiving Banquet on November 27.  Let's help others be warm this winter!!

Turn in before November 20


Registration is Now Open!

Update (10/1424) Only a few spots open for 2nd and 3rd grade teams

Chapel Ball '24 - '25

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